Different views cache settingsAccelerator for WordPress

The purpose of that settings is to provide correct caching of some environment depended on views such as current language, device type, etc. But excluding user-dependent data that can be tuned in the related setting’s part.



  • Separate by below criterias

    Enables cache separation.

Device types#

List of groups by a set of user-agents. Settings for each group:

  • Enable

    Enables current group.

  • Name and slug

    Unique group name. This name is used to generate a slug when saving, which is used to name the caching directory and when adding custom styles.

  • Agents

    Only pages’ requests having (case insensitive) these strings in their user-agents will be included. If string begins with one of /~@;%`# it is interpreted as regular expression with conditions. E.g., user-agent’s part can be compared by appending string with = or != and exact value (with logical ‘&’ operator as well) as in cookies below. E.g. !@\Wchrome/\d+\W@ & @(?:\W|^)safari/[\d\.]+(?:\W|$)@. It can be added multiple items at once by placing each on new line.

Geo location (beta)#

Comparison is going from first to last. If no any group found then region id is used. If name is defined the it is shown in optimization queue. Otherwise, internal group ID is used. First region in each item is forced country for current group. If it is node defined IP is original. If region can’t be determined it returns ^. First item is always ‘home’ cache (^ can be added there to force using home region for undetermined ones).


List of groups by a set of user-agents, for which optimization will be performed in a compatible (sparing) mode. For example, the ‘Lite optimization’ group does not lazy load CSS and JS. And for ‘Lite optimization with minimum HTML size’ are not done inline yet images and styles to minimize HTML size. Settings for each group:

  • Enable

    Enables current group.

  • Agents

    Only pages’ requests matching by these regular expressions with conditions in their user-agents will be included. E.g., user-agent’s part can be compared by appending string with = or != and exact value (with logical ‘&’ operator as well) as in cookies below. E.g. !@\Wchrome/\d+\W@ & @(?:\W|^)safari/[\d\.]+(?:\W|$)@. It can be added multiple expressions at once by placing each on new line.


A list of grouped parameters such as arguments and cookies. Settings for each item:

  • Enable

    Enables current item.

  • Group name

    Unique group name.

  • URI exclusions
  • Cookies

    Only pages’ requests having cookie names that begin with any of the specified strings will be included. If name begins with one of /~@;%`# it is interpreted as regular expression with conditions. E.g., cookie’s value can be compared by appending name with = or != and exact value (with logical ‘&’ operator as well). E.g. @^cookie_1$@ = v1 & @^cookie_2$@ != v2 means that cookies cookie_1 and cookie_2 will be used only if cookie_1 equals to v1 and cookie_2 not equal to v2. Also, you can check the cookie for the absence or empty value by prepending name with !, for example, !@^cookie_1$@. It can be added multiple items at once by placing each on new line.

  • Headers
  • URI arguments

    Only pages’ URLs having arguments that begin with any of the specified strings will be included. It can be added multiple strings at once via separating by commas.

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