TroubleshootingAccelerator for WordPress

Content issues#

This is the most common type of problem. The site is working, but the pages are experiencing incorrect markup or wrong behaviour when interacting with the site. Basically, this is the wrong work of java scripts and initially broken markup on the site, which can be checked.

First steps#

If you have any problems with the content, then you need to do the following sequentially:

  • Disable content processing

    Uncheck the ‘Enable content processing’ option in the settings. This will prevent further incorrect display of site pages.

  • Refresh cache

    Press the ‘Revalidate’ button in the manager. This will remove all invalid content that has already been cached on the site, but will not cause a dramatic increase in load on the site. If the load is not important, then it is better to immediately ‘Empty’ the entire cache.

  • Enable debug mode

    Set the options ‘Enable and ‘Enable HTTP trace header’ in the debug settings. This mode allows you to safely discover for the causes of problems on the site.

Elimination of problems through technical support#

This is included in the subscription price. You can contact us in the most convenient way for you and we will find out the reasons and set up the site in the optimal way.

Troubleshoot problems yourself#

Warning. This section is under construction, because it contains technically complex information. Please let us know what exactly needs to be added.

Turning off the various content processing functions, find out which one has an impact.

If it’s HTML, CSS or JS, then we need to open two copies of the problem page in the browser. One with the parameter ?seraph_accel_proc=0 and the other with ?seraph_accel_proc=1. In the first case, the page is not processed by the product in any way and the initial view of the site is visible on it. In the second case, the page is already being processed and the converted content is displayed.

  • Checking the layout of the pages visually

    Alternately switching between two pages and scrolling down sequentially, we look for visual differences. Having found such a place, we need to determine the correctness of the original markup. Open the menu with the right button and select ‘Inspect’. A debug window will open where we see a specific item. Next, open the source of the page in the browser and find this element in its HTML code and check the correct location of the tags. If the tags are in order, then most likely the problem is in the CSS.

  • Checking the work of scripts

    In the debug output area of the browser (opens at F12 in Chrome) we compare the errors and warnings on both pages. If there are differences, then we need to find out which script is working incorrectly in order to add it either to the critical ones or to remove it from the special ones. Sometimes it requires debugging JS code.

Content serving speed issues#

The reasons are most often due to the speed of the hosting itself or redundant servers (CDN, CloudFlare). This can greatly affect the final speed measurement result. Because the product cannot control this aspect, you need to either find a faster hosting/redundant server or upgrade to a faster plan.

Other problems#

With other problems that are very rare, technical analysis from our side will be required. You can contact us in the most convenient way for you and we will find out the reasons and set up the site in the optimal way. This is included in the subscription price.

  1. oviedokarla

    Hello. I installed your plugin yesterday and everythig was fine, and later it just stoped working, please can you help me, we really need good scores in pagespeed insights

    1. Admin

      Helped via email.

  2. Nokhba Noor

    I activate the plugin Seraphinite Accelerator in my wordpress website “”. After the activation I changed the url of Our Story from our-story-2 to our-story. I checked the page speed. Every other page were working fine but when i checked the Our story page, It is giving the error “Lighthouse was unable to reliably load the page you requested. Make sure you are testing the correct URL and that the server is properly responding to all requests. (Status code: 410)” Please help me to resolve this problem.

  3. Ikosha Ramani

    I get “Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.” error when im trying to update or publish a post when this plugin is activated. how can i fix this?

    1. Admin


      Pls, write to And an admin access will be needed.


    After installing the add-on on more than one site, it turned out that the add-on is really great
    But there is a problem with it
    Terrible dismissal on the admin page and the page for creating a new topic and amending the topic
    More than 25 seconds to save or modify a topic
    is there a solution ?

    1. Admin


      Seems that all CPU is occupied by Accelerator. Here is the reason:
      U can try reduce CPU using via ‘After working more than N1 second(s) cooling down during N2 second(s)’ options:

      If it doesn’t help pls ask our

  5. Yvonne

    Please take the comment down after you read it. I posted here on because all my emails to you are bouncing on

    1. Admin

      We have been trying to reach you via cell and alt email. Also the online chat is available. Have you tried it?

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